Peter Greer

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Peter Greer

Entrepreneur in Residence

Interest and areas of expertise

As an advocate for the Church’s role in missions and alleviating extreme poverty, Peter has been a speaker at conferences such as Catalyst, Passion, Harvest International’s Development Conference, and Jubilee, and he has been featured by Christianity Today, World, Forbes, CNN, and RELEVANT.


B.S. International Business from Messiah College

MPP Harvard's Kennedy School Honorary Doctorate Erskine Collge

Classes I teach

ECON 501 Global Business and Economic Development


Peter Greer is the President and CEO of HOPE International and the Entrepreneur in Residence at Messiah College. Prior to joining HOPE, Peter worked internationally as a microfinance advisor in Cambodia, technical advisor for Self-Help Development Foundation in Zimbabwe, and managing director for Urwego Community Bank in Rwanda. Peter and his wife, Laurel, live in Lancaster, PA, with their three children: Keith, Lilianna, and Myles. Website: http://www.peterkgreer.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/peterkgreer

Published works

Published works include: The Poor Will Be Glad (with Phil Smith, 2009), The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good (with Anna Haggard, 2013), Mission Drift (with Chris Horst, 2014 and selected as a 2015 Book Award Winner from Christianity Today), Entrepreneurship for Human Flourishing (with Chris Horst, 2014), Stop Helping Us (2014), Watching Seeds Grow (with his son Keith, 2014), and 40/40 Vision (with Greg Lafferty, 2015).