Professor of Politics, Chair of Department of History, Politics and International relations
American politics-institutions, public opinion, parties;
Comparative politics--Latin American Politics, Western European Politics, Democratization/ political change.
Robin specializes in American and Comparative politics, with regional expertise in Europe and Latin America, and thematic emphasis in political change, behavior, institutions, and democratization, including courses that travel internationally. Her book, The Constituent Perspective of Representation (Palgrave: New York, 2014), examines the American representative system in historical and comparative context. Member of Phi Beta Kappa, the New York State Political Science Association, Pennsylvania Political Science Association, Pennsylvania Policy Forum, as well as reviewer for several publishers. She writes two of the departmental blog series, and . Away from academic pursuits, she enjoys reading, language development and civic engagement. Robin resides with her husband Mark and their Bichons, Casey and Trey.