FElisabeth graduated from Messiah in 2018 with a double major in English, concentrating in Writing, and Sociology and Anthropology. She spent her first year after graduation serving in Harrisburg and living abroad in Australia. She then started her own editing business. She had edited unofficially after graduation, and this transition has allowed her to pursue work that she truly enjoys.
Of her time at Messiah, Elisabeth says "My writing classes at Messiah gave me a space to approach texts critically and constructively. Some of my most meaningful class experiences happened in the context of peer revision groups, where I learned to trust people enough to share my work and honor theirs in return by speaking critically and constructively about it. I know from experience how daunting it can be to let someone in on the personal side of writing, so I always try to establish a relationship with my clients built on trust. Just as I learned to interpret other people’s critiques as a show of support, I do my best to remind my clients that I’m on their side and want them to succeed by working with them to create the best version of their work."
She offers this advice for future students: "Being an English major can feel exciting and overwhelming all at once. You have so many options, but you might not know which option you want to pursue. That’s where your imagination comes in. Don’t be afraid to venture out! I wasn’t sure if an editing business was a viable option until I took that first step."