Tracy worked as a School Social Worker at the Capital Area Intermediate Unit. She completed a Masters Degree in Community Counseling at Towson University and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Social Work Education at Widener University.
She works at the Top Hill Academy, a school that educates students who are not able to be educated in their home districts because of behavioral or emotional problems. She collaborated with Susquehanna Service Dogs to start a therapy dog program at the school. The dogs greet the students every morning and stay with them during the day.
Attending Messiah College was one of the best decisions in my life. The faculty taught me the skills and professionalism I would need to accomplish these educational and vocational achievements. The spiritual guidance I received still impacts me profoundly. My Messiah degree in Sociology was an excellent foundation. Sociology taught me to examine life through both a macro and micro lens which is crucial in truly helping others.