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Completed application packets must be submitted by email  HYPERLINK "mailto:teacheredprog@messiah.edu" teacheredprog@messiah.edu or to Boyer 410 by noon of the last Thursday of February. D. Applicants will be evaluated by the Awards Committee made up of representatives from several academic departments. E. Written verification of the award will be completed no later than May 1. F. In the unlikely event that no student meets the qualifications of this award, no award will be given that year. Eligibility Requirements A. Academic Performance: 1. Minimum of 3.60 GPA 2. Junior Level status at time of application 3. Admission to the Teacher Education Program 4. Minimum of 45 credits completed at Messiah University B. Service and Leadership: 1. Membership in pertinent professional organizations, for example EAMU, NCSS, NAEYC, NCTM, etc. 2. Evidence of participation in community activities, college-related activities, leadership roles, children-related activities, and voluntary service activities. C. Resume and completed Application Form D. Required Essay: Write a two- to three-page essay describing the most important qualities of an outstanding educator and explaining how you hope to realize them in your own professional life. The winning essay will be read by the winner at a public awards ceremony. Retention of the Award If at any time a recipient falls below the award acceptance standards, the case will be referred to the Teacher Education Committee for possible withdrawal of the award. Terry L. Stoudnour Endowed Education Award Application Name:LastFirstMiddle InitialDate FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Current Address:StreetCityState, Zip FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Permanent Address:StreetCityState, Zip FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Phone NumberEmail Address FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Messiah Certification Program(s) FORMTEXT      Minor FORMTEXT      Concentration FORMTEXT       Other materials required for application: 1. 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Essays  FORMCHECKBOX  I acknowledge that checking this box electronically serves the same purpose as affixing my original signature to this document. Application packets can be emailed to  HYPERLINK "mailto:teacheredprog@messiah.edu" teacheredprog@messiah.edu by noon the last Thursday in February. Questions can be sent to the same email address.      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