Online forms: Application for Departmental Honors in Language, Literature and Writing

What is honors in Language, Literature and Writing?  Those students who choose to pursue departmental honors will have the opportunity to work individually with professors on substantial individual creative, critical, or theoretical projects and to present their final projects to peers and professors.  Pursuing honors enhances a student’s resume in applications for employment or graduate school.  Honors level work often leads to presentations at academic conferences and publication in creative or scholarly journals.  All eligible students are welcome to apply.  Students who successfully complete their honors project will be recognized at graduation as having graduated with departmental honors in Language, Literature and Writing.


Who is eligible?  Any Language, Literature and Writing student with junior standing who has maintained a 3.5 GPA in the college and a 3.7 GPA within the major is eligible to apply for honors in the Language, Literature and Writing department.  


What are the requirements? 

  • Honors in Language, Literature and Writng requires the completion of six hours of independent work over the course of two semesters (ENGL 497, 498 Major Honors or LANG 497, 498 Major Honors).  These courses are usually taken in the senior year, though students may begin in the spring of their junior year.  
  • Students will work with one mentor throughout the project.  Requirements for the projects are ultimately determined by mentor, but will generally fall within the following parameters:


For Academic Projects in literature, theory and rhetoric/composition

  • In ENGL 497 or LANG 497 Students will complete an annotated bibliography reflecting the reading of a minimum of 15 sources. Students will also prepare a 10 page prospectus outlining the argument that they wish to pursue in ENG 498. Individual mentors may require additional reading or writing as appropriate to individual projects.
  • In ENGL 498 or LANG 498 Students will complete a project of approximately 40 pages. Mentors will work with students to determine the appropriate length for individual projects. A presentable version of this project will be distributed to the faculty not less than 14 days before finals week begins.  The project will be presented orally to students and faculty not less than 7 days before finals week begins.  


For Projects in Creative Writing 

  • In ENGL 497 students will complete an annotated bibliography reflecting the reading of a minimum of 15 sources. Students will also make substantial progress on a creative writing manuscript.  Individual mentors will determine the appropriate level of progress on the manuscript.
  • In ENGL 498 students will complete a creative writing manuscript of approximately 20 pages of poetry or 40 pages of prose. Individual mentors will work with students to determine the appropriate final length for a project.  In addition students in creative writing will complete a short essay (5 to 10 pages) that defines the aesthetic traditions or assumptions from which their work springs. A presentable version of the manuscript and aesthetic statement will be distributed to the faculty not less than 14 days before finals week begins.  The project will be presented orally to students and faculty not less than 7 days before finals week begins.  


How does Language, Literature and Writing Honors mesh with the College Honors Program?  

  • Students may be, but do not have to be, participants in the Honors Program. Any Language, Literature and Writing major may apply for departmental honors as long as they meet the eligibility requirements listed above.
  • Department Honors in Language, Literature and Writing fulfills the requirement for a senior project in the College Honors Program.  
  • The Senior Honors Seminar (HONR 497) offered to participants in the College Honors Program DOES NOT fulfill the requirements for departmental honors.  


How does someone apply for departmental honors?

  • Any eligible student may apply for departmental honors by completing the attached form and returning it to Kerry Hasler-Brooks, Chair of the Language, Literature and Writing Department.
  • Proposals to begin a project in the spring semester of the junior year and complete it the following fall semester of the senior year should be submitted by October 31 of the applicant's junior year. This option is reserved for students who need to begin the 2-semester project in their junior year due to early graduation plans or student teaching. All other proposals to complete a project in the fall and spring semesters of the senior year should be submitted by March 31 of the applicant's junior year.
  • The Language, Literature and Writing department will evaluate each application on the basis of meeting eligibility requirements, evidence of a workable proposal for independent study, and availability of faculty to direct the study.