Dining Services and Sustainability

Environmental sustainability, stewardship, and creation care are not just buzz words at Messiah University. In Dining Services, we are generating a more sustainable environment as a way of life. For many years the campus has recycled paper, cardboard, glass, metal, aluminum, plastic and oils. Here are some of the other ways we are committed to supporting a sustainable environment.

We are committed to supporting a sustainable environment through...

sunflower image

Controlling Waste

  • Compost organic waste from food preparation
  • Promote "trayless" dining in our operations
  • Use the Somat System in Lottie Nelson which pulps leftover food items from guest meals reducing the volume of waste by 88%
  • Use Ecolab Apex System with environment friendly detergents in all our locations
  • Use and support paperless communication practice 



  • Use and recycle to-go boxes in retail locations and catering 
  • Participate in FlowerPower Oil Program – a program in which sunflower seeds grown on campus are pressed and used in Dining, then recycled and used in our bio-diesel vehicles
  • Promote "Refill Not Landfill" beverage container program to save water and detergent in Lottie Nelson and to reduce the use of foam and paper cups in our retail locations

Utilizing Best Purchasing Practices

  • Purchase napkins made from 100% post-consumer recycled fiber for all our locations
  • Purchase and use recyclable service-ware in catering and retail locations
  • Purchase locally to support sustainable practices
  • Support the Grantham Community Garden by purchasing home grown vegetables
  • Purchase Energy Star rated equipment 

How You Can Help:

  • Choose meals responsibly
  • Only take what you know you can eat--you can always go back for more
  • Limit the number of napkins you use
  • Use your Refill Not Landfill beverage container in Lottie Nelson and our retail locations
  • Go "Trayless" whenever you are dining
  • Dine in rather than carry out whenever possible
  • Properly dispose of packaging and waste
  • Recycle cans, plastic or glass bottles, paper, and foam in the proper receptacles

As we strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible, we welcome your comments and suggestions.