Supplemental Housing
What is supplemental housing?
Supplemental Housing refers to housing assignments that create additional spaces in our first year residence halls (Bittner, Naugle & Witmer Halls). Double rooms are furnished to accommodate three residents. A set of bunk beds, one lofted bed that creates space for other furniture to be placed under it, dressers, desks, and desk chairs are provided for each resident of the room. Residents share two closets and bookshelves. Here are a few pictures of the furniture used in the supplemental triple rooms:
Is supplemental housing temporary or permanent?
A supplemental housing assignment is intended to be temporary. However, a resident can remain in supplemental housing for the entire academic year if a sufficient number of rooms do not become available.
How is supplemental triple housing determined?
Supplemental housing is determined by tuition deposit date. Students will have the choice to be untripled as rooms become available, based on the date the deposit was made. If students request a roommate their assignment is based on the earliest deposit date of the two students. The date varies from year to year, but is usually in April. This year male supplemental triples were assigned to those who paid their deposit on or after April 25 and females who paid their deposit on or after April 30.
What is the cost?
For the 2019-2020 academic year a supplemental triple costs $1880 per semester and $3760 for the year, however, billing is slightly different than other room rate. Students will be given credit on their student account for the days they live in a supplemental triple room. Since supplemental triples are intended to be temporary, students are billed the rate of a double room ($2815/semester), and credited money back. This way, should a person move from their supplemental triple, their housing cost will not be increased from $1880 to $2815, but it will remain the same (though no more credits will be given). Below is the schedule for when credits will be applied.
Percentage of the semester
Credit given
Fall date credit is assessed
Spring date credit is assessed
September 20, 2019
February 3, 2020 |
October 14, 2019
March 6, 2020
60% |
November 1, 2019
March 25, 2020
Total credit (per semester)
$935 |
2019-2020 | |
If students untriple on dates other than the dates listed above they will be given a daily credit for the number of days they actually lived in a supplemental triple room.
What determines my room rate?
Rates are based on the type of room (amount of furniture in the room), not the number of occupants in a room. If, for example, only one student is living in a double room the room rate will remain at the double rate. If someone moves out of a supplemental triple room, the third set of furniture may be moved out of the room. Once the furniture is moved out of the room the students living in the room will no longer receive the supplemental triple credits, but will remain at the double rate. If students untriple on dates other than the dates listed above they will be given a daily credit for the number of days they actually lived in a supplemental triple room.
Could my room rate change?
If you change to a different room type (i.e., a single, triple, or quad room) your room rate would change to the room rate for that room type. If you are in a supplemental triple room and one roommate moves out, or you move to a double room your room rate will remain the same and you will not receive the supplemental triple room credit. You will continue to receive the supplement triple credit if you choose to stay in the supplemental triple, after being offered a permanent space.
When will I know if I have been assigned to a permanent space?
The goal is to have all students in supplemental housing move to permanent housing within the first few months of the semester. Option 1: Prior to your arrival - until August 16th we will send you an email to your Messiah Email account and after August 16th please refer to your profile on . Option 2: While you are living on campus - You will be contacted by the Assistant Director of Housing.
What if I am offered a permanent space and I do not want to move?
Before students arrive on campus they will not be given the option of staying in a supplemental triple room if spaces become available. Once students have moved into their room the students may choose to remain in a supplemental triple. If all occupants agree to stay all students will receive the supplemental housing credit as long as all three residents stay in the room.
How long do I have to move into my permanent space?
Students will have seven days to move to their permanent placement. If more time is needed, please contact the Resident Director of your building.
Will the amount of furniture in my room change if my room becomes a double?
You will be charged the supplemental triple rate until until the third set of furniture is removed from your room. Furniture is removed once a month until Fall Break, over Christmas break and over J-term break. Once there are two sets of furniture in your room you will be charged the double rate.
Please contact the Office of Residence Life & Housing at 717-796-5239 for further assistance.