Housing Check-in Locations

Housing Check-in Locations - Fall 2020

  Date Time Locations
First Year Students August 20, 21, & 22 Assigned 45 min time slots


After completing Check-In with the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership Programs in Hitchcock Arena in Sollenberger Sports Center, first- year students may move into the residence hall to which they have been assigned (Bittner, Naugle or Witmer).
Transfer Students August 20, 21, & 22 Assigned 45 min time slots After completing Check-In with the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership Programs in Hitchcock Arena in Sollenberger Sports Center, transfer students may move into their assigned housing.
Returning Students- Residence Halls August 22, 23, & 24


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm- 3:00 pm

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Your first stop on campus will be to the Climenhaga/High Center Parking Lot just past Old Main. You will remain in your car and drive curbside to pick up your pre-packaged move-in information packet including your residential key.

We strongly encourage you to arrive on campus 30 minutes before the start of your assigned timeslot.

Returning Students- Apartments August 22, 23, & 24

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm- 4:00 pm

Your first stop on campus will be to the Climenhaga/High Center Parking Lot just past Old Main. You will remain in your car and drive curbside to pick up your pre-packaged move-in information packet including your residential key.

We strongly encourage you to arrive on campus 30 minutes before the start of your assigned timeslot.


If have questions, please contact the Office of Residence Life by phone at 717-796-5239 or by email at housing@messiah.edu

Office of Residence Life
(Located in Eisenhower 207)
One University Ave, Suite 4502
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055