Career Options
While changes in the world community have been unprecedented, conflict has continued unabated. Thus, interest remains high in developing more effective means to resolve conflicts between nations and peoples. This creates opportunities in many fields, both domestically and internationally, for persons able to analyze and resolve conflict.
Because PACS is an interdisciplinary field and because conflicts know no boundaries, conflict resolution positions can be found in a wide variety of organizations not necessarily thought of as "peace groups." For example, large, well-known development organizations are increasingly recognizing the effects of conflict on development and the need for more effective conflict mediation efforts. Even governments and international institutions like the World Bank are recognizing the need for mediation services.
Below is a list of potential employers, many of whom have long been interested in graduates with training in peace and conflict resolution. As a result, this select list represents only a starting point for those interested in a vocation of conflict transformation.
- Alliance for International Conflict Resolution
- American-Mideast Education and Training Services
- American Friends Service Committee
- Amnesty International
- Carter Center
- CARE, Inc.
- Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Catholic Relief Services
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- The Fund for Peace
- International Conflict Research Institute
- Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution
- Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
- Institute for Policy Studies
- Institute for World Affairs
- International Alert
- International Crisis Group
- Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Mennonite Conciliation Service
- National Peace Foundation
- Mercy Corps
- Non-Violence International
- Peace Brigades International
- Peace Makers Trust
- Peace Vox
- Search for Common Ground
- TransAfrica
- US Institute of Peace
- The United Nations
- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Woodrow Wilson International Center
- World Policy Institute