See Anew 2022

At Messiah University, your life, your faith,
your world and your possibilities open up.

You see anew.

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” –2 Corinthians 5:17 (NRSV)

The Messiah metaphor

At Messiah, each student brings a valuable perspective that is celebrated, appreciated and allowed to remain distinct. In the grace of our shared love of Christ — and in our worship, study and service — we combine our individual contributions into a community that is more beautiful together — like a strong and vibrant stained glass window.

And the insight that is born in everyone is the light that shines through. Together we see anew.

Our promise

In today's culture, you hear lots of organizations talk about their brand. And colleges and universities are no exception.

At Messiah, we define our brand as a promise, a commitment we make to you about what makes us different from other colleges and universities. In other words, what does a Messiah education uniquely accomplish in the lives of our students? How do we achieve it? And for what higher purpose?

Our brand is our promise to you. Read Messiah's brand promise.

What happens when?

…a questioning intellect coexists with a believing heart?
…people who are different achieve harmonies of community?
…preparation empowers imagination and wisdom enhances expertise?

A Messiah education equips you to navigate life's tensions and bring together seemingly incompatible people and ideas. We believe that this is exactly what the college years should be like for students, especially a Christ-centered college experience that’s rooted in the transformation we undergo as we follow Jesus together.

Learn more about our ligatures

Transformed Lives: how our students see anew

The heart of “see anew” is the concept of transformation and reconciliation. Our students and alumni consistently tell us that their experience at Messiah was transforming—that it helped them see themselves, their faith, their life, their possibilities, and the world in exciting new ways.

Watch the below videos to hear students share how they see anew at Messiah University.

See your faith anew click to watch videos

Your faith

See your life anew click to watch videos

Your life

See Your possibilities anew click to watch videos

Your possibilities

See Your world anew click to watch videos

Your world

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