Best Practices

1. Orders should be placed with the supplier whose price represents the best value. Be sure to consider all fees associated with set up and delivery.

2. All things being equal, (quality, service, price and delivery) Messiah University favors making purchases locally, and where applicable, with certified diversity suppliers.

3. Considering delivery schedules, purchases of similar items from common sources shall be consolidated by Purchasing whenever possible in order to gain maximum discounts and the best supplier service.

4. In order to assist Purchasing in soliciting better pricing from suppliers, departments are encouraged to provide a complete description of the product, and suggest sources of supply. Purchasing will follow a department's recommendation whenever possible.

5. It is imperative that good relationships be established and maintained between the University and its suppliers. Due to the institutional discounts extended to us, prices are considered confidential and are not to be released to competing suppliers or other personnel except through Purchasing.

6. Salesmen are received regularly in Purchasing. When it is necessary for departments to interview salesmen regarding special details of their products, direct contact can be made with the supplier by the individual concerned. Purchasing should be advised of suppliers' visits to the campus whenever possible.

7. Never add on to an existing open PO without submitting a Change Order.

8. Never place an order with a supplier using the number from a closed PO.

9. Messiah University will purchase Energy Star rated appliances and equipment whenever financially possible.

NOTE: Energy Star is a joint certification program between the US Environmental Protection Agency and US Department of Energy certifying products which are more energy efficient than the average. In conjunction with the President’s Climate Commitment, Messiah University has adopted an Energy Star Purchasing Policy. Departments should analyze the short and long-term savings of using an Energy Star appliance over a less energy efficient model prior to each purchase. (There is a calculator available on the Energy Star website. )

10. Messiah University has explicit procedures for addressing incidents in which there are allegations of improprieties or conflicts of interest in purchasing. This policy works in tandem with the Messiah University .