Mission Statement and Outcomes

The Teacher Education Program has established a mission statement and outcomes for students who are preparing to be certified to teach. The curriculum, field experiences, and general program parameters are structured around these goals.

The Teacher Education Committee establishes all policies and requirements which govern the Program. These are developed in response to Pennsylvania regulations governing teacher preparation and affect the standards and expectations of the Messiah University Teacher Education Program. All students who pursue teacher certification must comply with established policies and procedures that regulate admission to, retention in, and certification through the Messiah University Teacher Education Program.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Messiah University Teacher Education Program is to develop professional educators who ...

  • facilitate the learning and development of others consistently,
  • reflect on thoughts and actions deliberately,
  • apply essential knowledge effectively,
  • learn continuously,
  • care for people compassionately, and
  • serve God and society faithfully.


Students who complete the Messiah University Teacher Education Program will demonstrate ...

  1. Christian faith and values in personal and professional life.
  2. Professional attitudes that reflect an understanding of schools and a commitment to teaching.
  3. Subject matter depth and an understanding of the relationships between and among curricular areas.
  4. Theoretical knowledge of learning and related instructional practices that support learning.
  5. Empirical inquiry skills such as observation, hypothesis-testing, data collection, and data analysis.
  6. Acquisition, analysis, evaluation, and integration of new knowledge throughout professional practice.
  7. Appropriate professional responses to the roles and responsibilities of individuals and organizations (e.g., teachers, students, families, school districts, communities) associated with educational environments.
  8. Professional communication (speaking, writing, listening) and technology skills.
  9. Reflective decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  10. Instructional planning and assessment skills that facilitate equitable participation, an accepting and supportive learning environment, and maximum development for all learners.