Housing Reset Summer 2020

Hello Students,

Due to COVID-19, Messiah College decided that the safest way to house our students is to decrease our housing capacity within the residence halls to limit possible exposure. To do that, some students from the apartments will have their housing shifted to Oakwood Hills for the coming year. This opens up apartment spaces, allowing some students currently assigned to residence halls to have an apartment.

To do this the most efficient way, Housing decided to redo the vast majority of housing assignments. This means that everyone currently assigned to a residence hall, except for those who have been assigned medical housing, needs to sign up for a new room or apartment. Please click here to see the new timeline. Students who had signed up for an apartment have already received an email explaining their options. If you are interested in living in an apartment, you must go through the verification process on the . Once your apartment group has been verified, I will hold apartment sign ups on June 17 and June 22 for 3-person and 5-person apartments, respectively. Students must have at least 30 credits to apply for an apartment (there will be no exceptions).

For those who are not interested in living in an apartment, you need to sign up for a residence hall room in the same way you did in April. Clustering will not be offered for the coming year; all students must sign up for a room through the Nest. To do this, check your Profile to see your new timeslot. Anytime following your timeslot, you will be able to sign up for a room. You will also be able to check to see the available rooms by clicking on the Room Sign-Up tab and by scanning the different buildings and different room types. If there are no more rooms available, please fill out the Waiting List form linked here. I will work to place you into a room as the summer progresses if spaces fill up before you can sign up. As you plan for signing up for a new room, please know that nearly all triples will only hold 2 students, and there will be a lot of rooms which only hold one (even if it was a double originally). The earliest date will be June 24th to sign up for a residence hall room.

Please note that our move-in plan is to stagger student move-ins over the course of a few days. You will be assigned a move in date later in the summer, so please save August 17th- 24th as potential days you might be assigned to move-in to campus.

Please know that we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience and stress this new system may cause. There were a few ways to prepare the Housing structure while abiding by COVID-19 best practices, and none of them were ideal and all required a good bit of shifting around. I know this may not allow your perfect scenario, but I do trust that things will work out.

Please email housing@messiah.edu if you have any questions.