ECC-HVAC Replacement

October 2009 -

All of the new units have been installed.  Final wiring will be completed by end of October, which will close out this project.

September 2009 -

The contractor has replaced three of the four air handling units in ceiling of Lottie Nelson.  The fourth unit is scheduled to be replaced by the end of the week of September 14, 2009.

July 2009 -

The contractor is now working on replacing the air handling units in the ceiling of Lottie Nelson.  They are replacing one unit at a time then bringing it on-line so we don't lose air conditioning in the room. The contractor is doing this work after dining hall closes at night to minimize inconvenience.

June 2009 -

New units have been installed on the roof of Eisenhower Campus Center to handle kitchen and scramble area.  The contractor will continue this project throughout the summer by installing four large air handling units in the ceiling of Lottie Nelson.  Due to activity in dining hall, this work will take place at night.

May 2009 -

Phase III of this project is underway.  Phase III includes a new AC system for multi-purpose room; replacement of HVAC systems for dining hall and serving area of Lottie Nelson.  This phase also includes installation of AC in Lottie Nelson at Eisenhower Campus Center.  This project is expected to run through the summer.

April 2009 -

Chiller has been installed and it's up and running. The contractor is working to complete this phase of the project.

March 2009 -

The new chiller has been placed behind the building.  Wiring and plumbing to the new chiller should be completed by end of March.

February 2009 -

The boilers have been fired up!  Electric for room heaters are 95% complete and contractor will set new cooling tower within two weeks.

January 2009 -

This project is nearing completion.  The electric is being connected to the VAV boxes and the control wiring is being installed. 

November 2008 -

After the electric and water shutdown on November 28th the new heating system will slowly be brought on line.  This process could take several weeks.

October 2008 -

The contractor is done with the first floor offices and is now working on the second floor offices.

September 2008 -

Phase Two is planned to start on October 1st.  This phase includes VAV (Variable Air Volume) boxes to be place in all rooms or groups of rooms to allow better temperature control.  The building's chiller will be replaced and the existing cooling tower will be eliminated.

August 2008 -

Phase One of the project has been completed.

Project Update (July 2008)

Two of the three units have been repaced and are up and running.  The third unit is being worked on now and will be working soon.

Phase One - Air Handler Units

Musser Mechanical is in the process of replacing three large air handling units that are original to the building (1972).  These units move the air in the campus center.  The first unit was completed on April 4th.  Estimated completion date for this project is the middle of June. 

Phase Two - Cooling Tower

The original cooling tower to the building will be replaced.  This work will be conducted during the fall and winter heating season.

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