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Young Peacemakers Academy

Young Peacemakers Academy

The 2024 Young Peacemakers Academy will be held June 23-28th

Messiah University’s Young Peacemakers Academy seeks to engage high school students who are interested in building and sustaining peace in a local and global context and provide them with an understanding of the Christian foundations of peacemaking.

The cost for the week will be $349 - this includes lessons, food, travel, and housing for the entire camp as students learn and practice peacemaking. 

Scholarships are available and Messiah employees automatically receive a 10% discount.

Please complete the scholarship application BEFORE completing your registration form.

  • Scholarship applications are *extended* until May 24, 2024
  • Decisions will be communicated by May 30, 2024

If you are eligible for a scholarship, you will be notified and provided a discount code to use when registering.

The registration form will be due May 31, 2024. 


Young Peacemakers Academy Registration is OPEN! 

The Young Peacemakers Academy will serve as a model for participants to see how Christian organizations can contribute to peace – in their personal lives and in community. In contrast to the narrative that casts religion as a source of division and strife in contemporary society, campers will learn about Peacemaking and Christian foundations for peace!


a blue, circular graphic of a white clip art dove and the quote: "True peace is not the absence of tension, it is the presence of peace" by Martin Luther King Jr.



Made possible in part by the generous support of the Lilly Endowment Inc.

Messiah students posing with their hands up infront of the capital building in Washington DC